Living With C-PTSD Following An Abusive Relationship

When trauma feels so overwhelming that you can’t escape, as is often the case with PTRS, you might struggle to break down what happened into manageable parts you can actually process. Or, you try to replay and reframe the situation, but your efforts leave you doubting yourself. You may even attempt to navigate loneliness by seeking out a new partner right away. Instead of blocking out and avoiding your memories of the abuse or numbing yourself to them, you might continue to revisit them, experiencing them again and again.

What You Should Know About Dating a Domestic Abuse Survivor

According to the National Center for PTSD, those with co-occurring conditions like substance use disorder, dissociation, BPD, and sleep disturbances can benefit from these treatment options. If you or someone you love has symptoms of CPTSD, you are not alone and treatment is available. If your partner has an angry outburst or withdraws after a triggering event, know that it’s not about you. They’ve been through a lot, and they are doing the best they can.

What is complex PTSD?

You may find it hard to trust that your partner is going to be there for you when you need them, or trust them when they say they’re going to respect your needs and boundaries. It’s not uncommon to struggle with trusting others if you’ve had certain early experiences in life. Those who establish this attachment style may experience significant fear of being abandoned and a need to be validated constantly. In addition, they may feel their partner rarely cares enough for them. Our brains develop rapidly from newborn to toddlerhood. So, in general, the older you are when trauma occurs, the less it may impact your future relationships.

This means there’s a good chance they already have a healthy sense of self-awareness. The fear can become overwhelming during and after an experience of abuse. In instances of domestic abuse, this can be exacerbated by the fact that the perpetrator remains close by, often for long periods of time.

The symptoms of PTSD can create challenges and difficulties in relationships. Offer comfort and warmth, especially during flashbacks or times of intense anxiety. These emotions can affect the way they relate to others. This could potentially damage their relationships or add extra challenges. You might feel sadness and grief over the loss of the relationship, but as much as possible, set aside guilt. It is going to be an unhelpful emotion in this situation,” Wen says.

My partner lives with complex trauma:  How can I help?

After trauma, things that once seemed normal might become impossible because of the symptoms described above. If a survivor becomes triggered by the news, or a scene in a movie, or a knock on the door, they might be thrown into re-experiencing the trauma, perhaps even dissociating as they did during the event. The #MeToo movement has shed some light on how common sexual assault really is. That’s especially heartbreaking when you understand the life-changing nature of this trauma.

Names of survivors have been changed to protect their privacy. Every trauma is unique and every survivor will respond differently. Others may discover that “normal” no longer exists, and that they need to create an entirely new way of living. How often you should check in with the person will vary, according to Dr. Doug Miller.

This left me finding it difficult to believe anything people would tell me, and I analyzed, questioned and dissected everything. At the mention of certain words, names or places I felt nauseous and dizzy and would become extremely distressed. A painful tight knot developed in my stomach every time something occurred to remind me of the trauma. Abuse doesn’t always happen overtly and it isn’t always easy to recognize. PTSD causes distress and impairment in functioning in so many areas of someone’s life. Someone’s ability to do well at work, at school, with tasks at home, in social situations, or any other important area of functioning is significantly diminished because of PTSD .

Imagine feeling in control of your body but out of control when it comes to your mind. You might feel like your home is your safe place and isolate yourself because you feel like you can’t trust anyone else. You might feel a sense of hopelessness and a loss of faith in the future, as well as humanity.

You can locate a therapist who specializes in trauma through the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Find a Clinician tool. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is considered the first-line treatment of trauma. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive and manage your own emotions and those of other people in different situations. Communication styles are something you learn and develop over time.

Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues. They may have widely varying needs as they work toward healing. On some days they don’t want to leave your side, while on others you feel as if they’re pushing you away. Emotion-focused coping techniques like meditation, journaling, and art can help you manage your emotional response to situations you can’t control.

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